Dienstag, 12. Juni 2012

Collegium Generale Lecture Series closes with visitors from Washington D.C.

This semester`s Collegium Generale Lecture Series focused on the role and function of capital cities. Throughout the semester, leading scholars and policymakers gave presentations about a variety of topics related to capital cities. The lectures ranged from the role of urban design and representation of the state in the built environment to the economic functions and roles of capital cities. We noticed great interest on behalf of the general public about the current and future role of Bern as the capital of Switzerland and were able to follow each lecture with a lively question and answer session.

The final lecture closed the series with the visit of policymakers from Washington D.C. We invited Harriet Tregoning, Director of the Office of Planning for the District of Columbia, and Terry Holzheimer, Director of Arlington Economic Development, to travel to Bern and share their views about Washington D.C. In addition, we invited the Ambassador of the United States to Switzerland and Liechtenstein, Donald S. Beyer, to reflect upon his experience working as a diplomat here in Bern. Georg Tobler, Executive Director of the Capital Region Switzerland, was also invited to respond to what Bern can learn from Washington D.C. The U.S. visitors enjoyed their stay in Bern and were able to learn more about transportation and land use planning through a visit to Bern`s Westside and Brünnen.

Policymakers from the Washington D.C. region visit with urban planners in Bern (Photo: Heike Mayer)
Visit to Westside and Brünnen in Bern (Photo: Heike Mayer)
We would like to thank all the presenters, the staff and the board of the Collegium Generale, who were instrumental making this series a success. All the lectures are available as podcasts on the following website: http://www.collegiumgenerale.unibe.ch/content/index_ger.html.

Heike Mayer, Professor of Economic Geography, GIUB
Fritz Sager, Professor of Political Science, KPM

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